- Description: A Hunter at Heidel's Golden Toad Inn regards honorable battle very highly. According to him, the most dishonorable men in Serendia are Muskan and his subordinates. He asked you to get rid of them.
※ This quest is available again after midnight (server time) every day unless you have already completed the quest that day.
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Do you need work? That's fine, but how about an honorable job? I detest dishonorable battles. Who do you think the most dishonorable men in Serendia are? Right! Muskan and his subordinates. Let's work on them.
Corrupt Humans are the lowest.
Yes. You sometimes have to use force if words don't work. Good work.
Quest complete conditions
Completion Target: Golden Toad Inn - Kill Cultists - Kill Cultist ShamansRequired actions: