Show/hide full quest's text {ChangeScene(ATPT2_002_4)Come to think of it, there's no sign of Yaz around.
Martha and Edan look like their fight might last for awhile... so let's ask Lafi if he knows of Yaz's current whereabouts.
Speaking of insignificant annoyances, where did that brat run off to? Judging by the way that woman keeps snarling at Edan, I reckon their heated exchange will soon come to blows! Hehe! Why don't we speak to our pudgy friend over there? Hehe!
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_4_1_Rapi)Yaz? The wee child's left for the Western Guard Camp to find more information regarding Sycrakea. {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_4_2_Rapi)Ah, you're probably wondering what the blazes the Western Guard Camp has to do with Sycrakea, aye? |