ID: 9033/11
[Atoraxxion] Pillar of Moonlight
KR name: [아토락시온] 달빛 기둥
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Atoraxxion] Edan's Letter
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Atoraxxion] Hidden Truth
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Atoraxxion] Steamy

Start NPC:
icon - Yaz
End NPC:
icon - Yaz

- Description:
Yaz tells you to examine the special structure exuding gentle moonlight nearby.

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_1_Yaz){ChangeAction(9033_Yaz_Head)But why do so many of his records exist outside the stronghold?
Maybe he left them there purposely for someone to find.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_2_Yaz){ChangeScene(ATPT2_007_1)"I... was but forever trapped as second-best in that place.
And yet, I was the first to have my eyes opened to the truth."
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_3_Yaz)Whoa, what?! Words like these should be saved for one's diary...
This truth he mentions... I wonder... Huh? What's that?
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_4_Yaz){ChangeScene(ATPT2_007_2)Oh! Yeah, I suppose this is sort of Syca's diary, isn't it? Huh. Ah, well! Hehe!
Hey, assistant! What's that pretty-looking pillar over there?

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_4_Yaz)Oh! Yeah, I suppose this is sort of Syca's diary, isn't it? Huh. Ah, well! Hehe!
Hey, assistant! What's that pretty-looking pillar over there?

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_9_Yaz){ChangeScene(ATPT2_009_1)"A beautiful lightstone given to me
by Yolu after she returned from Yolunakea...
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_10_Yaz)This once cold and dark space of mine
has begun to shine thanks to this precious stone from Yolu.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_11_Yaz)But due to this strange, awkward, and slightly embarrassing feeling I had,
I couldn't force my lips to express words of gratitude,
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_12_Yaz)and instead just fidgeted with the stone
before cutting off one of her vines and wrapping it around her gift.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_9033_11_13_Yaz){ChangeAction(9033_Yaz_Fright){ChangeScene(ATPT2_009)Huh? Lightstone? Did they use lightstones back then as well?
... Didn't they know how dangerous lightstones can be?

Completion Target: Yaz
- Examine the pillar exuding gentle moonlight
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Yolun's Eye
    Accepted quest [Atoraxxion] Pillar of Moonlight
    Meet NPC: Yolun's Eye
    Accepted quest [Atoraxxion] Pillar of Moonlight

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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