ID: 8813/12
Undelivered Feelings
KR name: Undelivered Feelings
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Wife's Request
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Free At Last

Start NPC:
icon - Mister Turt
End NPC:
icon - Mister Turt

- Description:
Mister Turt asks you to lay the gift that the husband prepared on the grave. Let's lay it on the woman's grave.

※ If you lost the Exquisite Flower Shoes, return to the child to receive them again.

I'm relieved to see you've returned safely,
but unfortunately, she didn't get the news...
If only she knew how much he still cared about her...
It would've put her heart at ease...
Those shoes... are a gift left by the husband?
Do you think you can deliver them to where his wife is...?

Those shoes... are a gift left by the husband?
Do you think you can deliver them to where his wife is...?

Thank you for granting her wish...
Though their paths never crossed again in this world...
Their heartfelt longing manifested into birds,
and they were finally able to meet once more...

Completion Target: Mister Turt
- Lay the shoes on the woman's grave
- Talk to Mister Turt
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Someone's Grave
    Accepted quest Undelivered Feelings
    Have item:
    - Exquisite Flower Shoes x 1
    Meet NPC: Someone's Grave
    Accepted quest Undelivered Feelings
    Have item:
    - Exquisite Flower Shoes x 1
  2. Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Undelivered Feelings
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: showVideo(MorningLand/MorningLand_Sub_14,1)
    Meet NPC: Mister Turt
    Accepted quest Undelivered Feelings
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: showVideo(MorningLand/MorningLand_Sub_14,1)

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Sangpyeong Coin
- Stone Statue
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Free At Last

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