ID: 8813/10
News Long Overdue
KR name: News Long Overdue
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Wife's Request
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - A Father's Love for His Child
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Free At Last

Start NPC:
icon - Child
End NPC:
icon - Someone's Grave

- Description:
The child hands you a pair of shoes, saying that his father wanted to give them so someone himself. Let's bring the shoes back to the women.

Father said that he had something
that he must give to someone upon returning.
I was keeping it safe until now.
Here, please take it, adventurer.
He was never able to,
so could you deliver these in his stead?
Hm? You want to know why I trust you?
That's because... you came all the way here, to this lonely grave that no one ever visits...

That's because... you came all the way here,
to this lonely grave that no one ever visits...

There's a tomb where the woman used to be.

{ChangeScene(MorningLand_NPC_59979_3)And this stone... Has it always been here?
I can't remember.

Completion Target: Someone's Grave
- Return to where the woman is
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Someone's Grave

- Contribution EXP (700)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests

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