ID: 8121/2
[Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light
KR name: [Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light
icon Quest
Region: O'dyllita
Category: Quest: Content
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Dehkia's Lantern] Atoraxxion Artifact

Start NPC:
icon - Book of Josya
End NPC:
icon - Arethel

- Description:
While looking at the journal that Arethel stole, it seems that Dehkia's Lantern has been fully charged. Let's go back to Arethel.

The Ahib's record continues.

We couldn't tell if Orze was experimenting with
her master's ancient weapon, but we can try it ourselves.
"The daughters of Sylvia, Ganelle and Vedir both, shall kneel
before my foretold successor... the Allmother."
To fulfill Mother's oracle and end the never-ending war...
We must use Dehkia's Lantern.
Illuminate the Navarn Steppe with Dehkia's Lantern.
Everyone will be frenzied and tear up the grass themselves.
The Ash Forest, Tooth Fairy Forest,
and Mirumok Ruins will not be spared.
What comes after? ...We'll think about it once we're done.
We can do it. For we are the Ahib.

The research journal of Dehkia's Lantern is inserted between the books
written by Josya Odore, the leader of Vedir who first ignited Kamasylve.

Now take this artifact from Atoraxxion.
And study it well until you hear further from me.
Just how much potential does this artifact possess...
It will test your strength and help you grow!
But remember, don't overexert yourself, you'll be facing some formidable foes.
Perhaps a little trial run in the nearby Olun's Valley sounds like a plan?
Too challenging, you say? Haha! Ah, I almost forgot.
I'll give you a few of Dehkia's Lights.
Regardless of who crafted this, now you're about to
conduct firsthand research on an Atoraxxion's artifact.
You're basically stepping into the shoes of a "Dehkima," a disciple of Dehkia!
So, considering the ones before you, you're the fifth, right? Best of luck then!

Completion Target: Arethel
- Talk to Arethel
- Observe the charged Dehkia's Lantern
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Arethel
    Accepted quest [Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light
    Meet NPC: Arethel
    Accepted quest [Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light
  2. Meet NPC: Arethel
    Accepted quest [Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light
    Meet NPC: Arethel
    Accepted quest [Dehkia's Lantern] Dehkia's Light

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Dehkia's Lantern Tier 1
- Dehkia's Light
- Interpretation on the Dehkia's Lantern Invention
Quest requirements

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