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Quest Region: O'dyllita Category: Quest: Content Type: Family quest Level: 1 |
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- Description: Arethel says she has a special artifact to introduce to you. Listen to what she has to say. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Visiting here at this time... I see you've got a keen instinct. Perfect timing, my friend... I believe you're the one I can trust this with. {ChangeScene(Odylita_Sub_8121_1)It's an artifact called "Dehkia's Lantern". It was discovered in Atoraxxion, an ancient stronghold to stop the Dark Invaders. {ChangeScene(Odyllita_Named_71)Atoraxxion... The name probably rings a bell, if not, you'll be hearing it soon enough. Regardless... Is it a boon? Ha... It's more of a perilous artifact. That's why I want to entrust its study to you. Too much? Hahaha... Perhaps it could be an opportunity for you to become stronger. Visiting here at this time... I see you've got a keen instinct. Perfect timing, my friend... I believe you're the one I can trust this with. The research journal of Dehkia's Lantern is inserted between the books written by Josya Odore, the leader of Vedir who first ignited Kamasylve. It contains the Ahib's interpretation of the Orzekean record found in the Crypt of Resting Thoughts. (Excerpt)... Dehkia's Lantern was not the device for enhancing ancient weapons as pursued by Dehkia, the founder of Atoraxxion. Instead, it was a device to drive ancient weapons into uncontrollable frenzy. Subjects exposed to the lantern are consumed by an unyielding void, awakening violently to fill this raging void. This device could create a force capable of toppling the well-ordered Atoraxxion in a heartbeat. It seems Orze anticipated the moment when the perfectly balanced fortress would be tainted by imbalance. No matter how powerful a weapon is born, it was not aligned with the ideologies Dehkia, the master, strived for. If all foes are vanquished and there are no more adversaries to battle, where does that leave the weapon? Yet, unbeknownst to Dehkia, Orze crafted this cryptic contraption. | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Book of Josya - Talk to Arethel - Talk to Arethel - Talk to Arethel Required actions:
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Basic ![]() Knowledge: - In Whose Hands is Dehkia's Lantern |