Quest Region: Mediah Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Nails Previous quest in the chain: - [Repeat] The Furious 24 Hours Show/hide full quest chain - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Nails - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Logs - [Repeat] A Generous One - [Repeat] No Work, No Rewards - [Repeat] Repairing Awning Curtain - [Repeat] Managing The Arena - [Repeat] People Looking For An Inn - [Repeat] People In Need Of Alchemist - [Repeat] The Furious 24 Hours - [Repeat] Checking On The Garrisoned Troops | |
Start NPC: - Villager End NPC: - Villager | |
- Description: The kid seems anxious to know what the Garrisoned Troops are up to. Go check up on the Troops on the kid's behalf as the area could be dangerous for the kid. | |
Show/hide full quest's text Why do adults say that I'm too little all the time? It's too dangerous for kids, Go back home because I'm a kid.. It's so frustrating.. You're an adult, too, right? Well then, check something for me, can you? Check what the Garrisoned Troops, the barbarians are doing! I want to see it myself, but this man wouldn't let me do anything! It's just so frustrating! There are things I can do well, you know? Really? Do other adults know about this too? | |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Villager - Check up on Garrisoned Troops - Check up on Garrisoned Troops - Check up on Garrisoned Troops Required actions:
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