ID: 4546/1
[Repeat] Things For Repairing - Nails
KR name: [반복] 수리에 필요한 것 - 못
icon Quest
Region: Mediah
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Logs

Start NPC:
icon - Villager
End NPC:
icon - Villager

- Description:
One Villager in Altinova said that more nails are needed for fixing one of the wooden structures in the city.

Hello, adventurer.
Can you spare me a moment, please?
All these people are full of talks, but no action promised.
When I actually ask for help, they just don't show up!
I mean, I'm not asking for too much!
The thing is, this wood structure has been creaking lately,
so I need to fix this but I'm run out of nails.
There's actually no end to fixing stuffs,
so I would be run out of nails any time, even if not for this structure.
I assume the furniture dealer Verosi has heaps of nails.
Can you go buy some nails for me? I'll pay you.

You'll find Verosi where you see a large concentration of shops.

Oh, you're here! Did you get the nails?
Thanks! Now, it's time for me to fix things.

Completion Target: Villager
- Buy nails from Verosi
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Verosi
    Accepted quest [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Nails
    Meet NPC: Verosi
    Accepted quest [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Nails

- Contribution EXP (80)
Quest requirements
Have knowledge on Verosi
Not finished quest: icon - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Logs
Not accepted quest: icon - [Repeat] Things For Repairing - Logs
Random chance

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