- Description: Adventurers and fairies are mutually dependent on each other. Of course, not many adventurers even know why fairies float about in this world. Go find the Fairy Queen Theiah to acquire your very own adventuring partner.
※ This challenge's objective is to complete the quest "Mysterious Companion" from Theiah. ※ Complete the recurring Obtaining a Fairy quest to proceed with the "Mysterious Companion" quest. ※ Press the "(O) key" to open the Quests window, select the [Suggested] tab to find the "[ADV Support] Fairy, Mysterious Companion" quest. ※ If you've already completed the quest, talk to the Black Spirit to complete this challenge.
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Just now! She was rummaging through your bags and tried to gobble up your armor! What? You don't believe me? I saw it with my own eyes! ※ Fairies consume the power of Sweet Honey Wine, weapons, and armor.
Quest complete conditions
Completion Target: Black Spirit - Complete the "Mysterious Companion" questRequired actions: