Quest Region: All Category: General Quest Type: Family quest Level: 1 |
First quest in the chain: - Chapter 2: Kind Lara Previous quest in the chain: - Chapter 1: Traces of Adventurers
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- Chapter 2: Kind Lara - Chapter 3: Dark Rifts of the Unknown - Chapter 4: Load Your Matchlock! - Chapter 5: Sweet Cooking Honey - Chapter 6: Fairy, the Soul's Partner - Chapter 7: Ljurik's Support Fund I - Chapter 8: Starting Life: Apprentice - Chapter 9: Rising Fame, Overflowing Energy I - Chapter 10: A Friend to Help with Hard Labor - Chapter 11: Endlessly Connected Roads - Chapter 12: Beyond Land into the Sea - Chapter 13: Water is Precious - Chapter 14: Rational Consumer - Chapter 15: Get a Little Tipsy - Chapter 16: From My Hands to the Throne - Chapter 17: Follow the Silk Road - Chapter 18: Those Savages - Chapter 19: Kutum, the Grotesque and Vigorous Ancient Weapon - Chapter 20: Tasty Milk that Helps You Grow - Chapter 21: All About Chopping Wood - Chapter 22: Lovely Maple Trees - Chapter 23: Let's Get Down to Chopping - Chapter 24: Never-ending Chopping - Chapter 25: Strange Alchemy and Caphras Stones - Chapter 26: Make Your Own Timber Crate - Chapter 27: From Production to Distribution - Chapter 28: Ljurik's Support Fund II - Chapter 29: Rising Fame, Overflowing Energy II - Chapter 30: Materializing Overflowing Energy - Chapter 31: Nouver, Sandstorm of the Desert - Chapter 32: Getting Used to Life: Skilled - Chapter 33: Wild Horse, I Tame You - Chapter 34: Your Powers Combined - Chapter 35: Chenga, Seeking the Hidden Power - Chapter 36: Garmoth, Overlord of Drieghan - Chapter 37: Not-so-shabby Deal - Chapter 38: Ljurik's Support Fund III - Chapter 39: Kamasylvia and Its Mysterious Ecology - Chapter 40: Rising Fame, Overflowing Energy III - Chapter 41: Preparations for Easier Enhancement - Chapter 42: Hooked on Life: Artisan - Chapter 43: Agris, a Powerful, Burning Fever - Final Chapter: Breaking the Limit - Chapter 1: Traces of Adventurers - [Grad. Support] Fughar's Secrets to Success |
Start NPC:
- Fughar End NPC:
- Fughar |
- Description: Fughar congratulated you on your graduation, and gifted you a book that contains his secrets to success. If you diligently read this book, he says you may be able to surpass him someday.
※ Use the book Fughar gave you to automatically accept the quest. |
Show/hide full quest's text You seem to look more like an adventure now. Here, this is a book I've written that contains all the experiences I've had living up to this point so far. I prepared it hoping that it would be some use to you, so please read through it carefully, page by page, chapter by chapter. Please take your time reading through it.
It may contain material slightly difficult for you, but if you take the time and learn from my experiences, I believe it will help you in your adventures. I truly hope that it will be of some use to you. ※ Use the book Fughar gave you to automatically accept the quest. ※ Completing the quest will grant you another book. ※ If you lose the book, talk to Fughar to obtain another copy. |
Quest complete conditions Completion Target: Fughar - Talk to Fughar
Required actions: - Reach level: 1
Basic - Chapter 1: Chat Group |