ID: 3722/15
[Crow's Nest] Crow's Invitation
KR name: [까마귀의 둥지] 까마귀의 초대장
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] A Strange Tale from the Great Ocean
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] Prized Treasures
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] A Nest Without Borders

Start NPC:
icon - Calpheonian Noble
End NPC:
icon - Calpheonian Noble

- Description:
Examine the Mad Rhutum King's Toy that is being observed by the guest from Calpheon.

To see and hear things no commoner ever will.
Their eyes will never glimpse anything of such sheer... beauty.
And you. Looking into your eyes I can see you are no ordinary person.
There are secrets behind those eyes. I wonder what they are...
I'm glad you came along, I was starting to grow bored of these trinkets.
Maybe you're just the mystery I needed.
{ChangeScene(CrowNest_09)Shh- the Hall of Heroes is a sacred place. Please, keep the volume down.
Can't you see we're trying to introspect?
{ChangeScene(CrowNest_08)Hahaha... Is that what you call it?
I thought you were sleeping.
{ChangeScene(Crow_Sub6)Have you seen the Mad Rhutum King's Toy before?
It is one of the Crow treasures I hope to obtain for myself someday.

Have you seen the Mad Rhutum King's Toy before?
It is one of the Crow treasures I hope to obtain for myself someday.

Well then... I hope you enjoy the rest of your tour.
Thank you for making my own all the more interesting.

Completion Target: The Crow's Guest
- Learn about the Mad Rhutum King's Toy
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Mad Rhutum King's Toy

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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resep 22-02-2025 19:31
[Crow's Nest] Crow's Invitation
resep 22-02-2025 19:35
Playlist Pit of Undying – Crow's Nest Questline :

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