Show/hide full quest's text To see and hear things no commoner ever will. Their eyes will never glimpse anything of such sheer... beauty. And you. Looking into your eyes I can see you are no ordinary person. There are secrets behind those eyes. I wonder what they are... I'm glad you came along, I was starting to grow bored of these trinkets. Maybe you're just the mystery I needed. {ChangeScene(CrowNest_09)Shh- the Hall of Heroes is a sacred place. Please, keep the volume down. Can't you see we're trying to introspect? {ChangeScene(CrowNest_08)Hahaha... Is that what you call it? I thought you were sleeping. {ChangeScene(Crow_Sub6)Have you seen the Mad Rhutum King's Toy before? It is one of the Crow treasures I hope to obtain for myself someday.
Have you seen the Mad Rhutum King's Toy before? It is one of the Crow treasures I hope to obtain for myself someday.
Well then... I hope you enjoy the rest of your tour. Thank you for making my own all the more interesting. |