ID: 3722/11
[Crow's Nest] Power of the Coin
KR name: [까마귀의 둥지] 주화의 힘
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] A Strange Tale from the Great Ocean
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] The White Crow
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Crow's Nest] The Crow's Guest

Start NPC:
icon - Ravinia
End NPC:
icon - Ravinia

- Description:
Ravinia said she will allow you entry to the Hall of Heroes although you do not have a Crow's invitation, if you give her the necromancy talisman.

※ If you lose Evergart's Talisman, go to Derek Nimms in Heidel Valley Lily Inn 1F to receive another one.

Trade is sacred to us Crow's, be it goods, deeds, or even words.
So I hope you understand the information I am to share will require some recompense.
There are some exceptions, of course.
This is the law of the Crow Merchant Guild, established by the head Crow, whom I serve.
Children whose hearts light up by the simple act of holding a small wildflower in their hands.
Twilight elders regaling us with worldly wisdom as setting sun turns to rising moon.
To them the Crow's vault remains unconditionally opened.
May their laughter and wisdom never be tainted by life's perdition.
But you, however, may not enter unconditionally.
Being neither child nor elder. And without invitation, too.
So give me Evergart's talisman instead,
and in return I shall give to you a coin issued by our guild.

Give me Evergart's talisman instead,
and in return I shall give to you a coin issued by our guild.

Very well... You have paid the price and may now enter.
Permit me, then, to bestow a special title upon you.
It matters not whether you receive this title,
but seeing as you are my guest...
Hmm... From this moment forth you shall be known as...
"Perfect Ravinia's Guest!"

Completion Target: Ravinia
- Hand over Evergart's Talisman to Ravinia
Required actions:
  1. Give item:
    - Evergart's Talisman (1) NPC: icon - Ravinia

- Contribution EXP (200)
- Ravinia's Story
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resep 22-02-2025 20:09
[Crow's Nest] Power of the Coin
resep 22-02-2025 20:34
Playlist Pit of Undying – Crow's Nest Questline :

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