ID: 3713/9
Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting
KR name: 의문의 그림 1편: 복구된 그림
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Secret Behind the Lopters
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Clues to the Case
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: To the Lopters' Habitat

icon - Secret Behind the Lopters
icon - Vell, Lopters and...
icon - Lopters Scales
icon - Many a Little Makes a Mickle
icon - Sacred Material
icon - Gift for a God
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Faded Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Clues to the Case
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: To the Lopters' Habitat
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Persuasion
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Starting the Investigation
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Refusal and Vigilance
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Attempt of Faith
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Investigating Oquilla's Eye
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Old Moon Guild
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Sharp Blue Scale
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Origin of the Lopters
icon - Mysterious Painting 1: Truth Behind the Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Truth Behind the Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Foreigner
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: The Hiding Trio
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Damaged Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Rejection
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: A Merchant's Deal?
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Strength to Fight
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Rare Coins
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Success in Persuasion
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Why it was Trashed
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: Their Rebellion
icon - Mysterious Painting 2: The Infiltration of the Cox Pirates
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Truth Behind the Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Lillia
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Hidden Truth
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Mysterious Person
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Underwater Ruins
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Mysterious Trace
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Erik Antior
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: To the East
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Lema Island Wharf
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Mysterious Incident
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Memorial Stone
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Tragic Truth
icon - Mysterious Painting 3: Erik's Journal
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Truth Behind the Painting
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Adventurer from Distant Seas
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Talkative Adventurer
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Pirate Sightings
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Zawoon's Memory
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Pirates Dreaming of Revenge
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Black Sea Creature
icon - Mysterious Painting 4: Through the Rough Tides

Start NPC:
icon - Artist
End NPC:
icon - Artist

- Description:
The artist restored the faded painting and returned it to you.

Take the painting to where the lopters appear.

Wait, you're not surprised?
You think I'm a lunatic as well?
Just trust me. You have nothing to lose.
First, go to the location I told you.

I saw the lopters with my own two eyes,
but no one even pretended to listen.

Just as I thought. This proves my assumptions weren't wrong after all.

Completion Target: Artist
- Ask the Velian guard about the lopters
- Ask the Velian guard about the lopters
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Soldier
    Accepted quest Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting
    Meet NPC: Soldier
    Accepted quest Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting
  2. Meet NPC: Soldier
    Accepted quest Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting
    Meet NPC: Soldier
    Accepted quest Mysterious Painting 1: Restored Painting

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Restored Drawing
Sort by: Rating Date
lottevenir 3-04-2022 15:53
The 2nd guard is not in Velia as the quest text says, but rather in Port Epheria.
DecadenceLar 24-11-2020 10:10
Как пройти это задание? Стражник в Велии оказался на месте, куда указывает маркер. Диалог - второстепенная цель задания выполнена.
В Эферии маркер указывает на пустое место на берегу. Я поговорил со всеми стражниками в Эферии. Я поговорил вообще со всеми персонажами в Эферии и даже в окресностях и осмотрел каждый предмет в городе и вокруг него. Никакого намёка на что-либо хоть отдалённо напоминающее "Поговорить со стражником". sad.gif
Ни один персонаж или предмет не является целью задачи "поговорить со стражником". Я проверял это в каждом из 24 часов в сутки по всей Эферии и ближайшим узлам. Время не имеет значения. У меня нет решения этого задания. wacko.gif
Kalipso 18-12-2020 19:16
Это один из этих стражников АМ 6:20 Медия-1 18.12.2020

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