ID: 11130
Curse Befallen on the Family
icon Knowledge
Category: Balenos Adventure Log I

- Description:
Emma Bartali, the granddaughter of the chief of Velia, Igor Bartali, often has nightmares of the Kingdom of Cron.

In Cron Castle ruined by sins of past... lay tiny souls hidden, tears amassed. She reaches out to comfort those unnamed... but some strange force keeps her restrained. Also, she can't turn back since she's pushed towards Cron Castle by a man wearing a sheep skull.

Because of constant nightmares, Emma has become very thin. People do not talk about it, saying it's a curse that befell the family. She's the descendant of the Kingdom of Cron who sacrificed its people in return for promises of immortality. That family... they treat the curse like it's nothing, like it's...a normal part of any child's formative years.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Obtained from:
icon - [Balenos] The Bartalis

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