ID: 6977
Markthanan's Heart
KR name: 마크타난의 심장
icon Skill
Class: Drakania

When Drakania takes critical damage, her second Dragon heart begins beating, and the ions gathered nearby turn into Drakania's HP to quickly heal her wounded flesh.

Required Level: 20 or Higher

Recovers HP while charging ions when Drakania's HP is 50% or lower.
Gradually recovers HP while charging ions or using skills with wings stretched out.
Recovers up to the following amounts per skill.

Recovers 200 HP 4 times, up to 50% of Max HP
- Dragonblood: Savage Decree
- Dragonblood: Doombringer
- Hexeblood: Extinction

Recovers 200 HP 6 times, up to 50% of Max HP
- Dragonblood: Sundering Roar
- Dragonblood: Aerial Burst
- Black Spirit: Fate Beckons

Recovers 200 HP 10 times, up to 50% of Max HP
- Dragonblood: Sundering Roar
- Black Spirit: Markthanan's Flourish
- Black Spirit: Tectonic Slam

Recovers 200 HP 14 times, up to 70% of Max HP
- Markthanan's Scale

Recovers 200 HP 20 times
- Black Spirit: Blazing Strike
- Black Spirit: Doombringer
These skills recover HP regardless of Drakania's actual health.
ID: 7043
Succession: Markthanan's Heart
KR name: 전승 : 마크타난의 심장
icon Skill
Class: Drakania

When Drakania takes critical damage, her second Dragon heart begins beating, and the ions gathered nearby turn into Drakania's HP to quickly heal her wounded flesh.

Required Level: 56 or Higher

- Markthanan's Heart

Recovers HP while charging ions when Drakania's HP is 50% or lower.
Gradually recovers HP while charging ions.
Recovers up to the following amounts per skill.
Recovers only up to half the amount upon instant activation.

Recovers 400 HP 12 times, up to 50% of Max HP
- Prime: Brimbolt Strike
- Prime: Markthanan's Flourish
- Prime: Eviscerate
- Prime: Sundering Claw

Recovers 400 HP 14 times, up to 70% of Max HP
- Markthanan's Scale
- Black Spirit: Prime: Markthanan's Flourish

Recovers 400 HP 20 times
- Black Spirit: Blazing Strike
These skills recover HP regardless of Drakania's actual health.

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