ID: 4691
Prime: Malicious Cut
KR name: 강 : 악독의 비수
icon Skill
Class: Ninja

Preceding Skill: [Succession: Shadow of Darkness]
Release the Shadow of Darkness to weaken the enemy's armor.

↑ + C
Can be added to a Quick Slot

Required Level: 56 or Higher
Required Points: 10
- Required MP: 50
Cooldown: 3m

- Succession: Shadow of Darkness

All AP +20 for 30 sec
All Accuracy Rate +20% for 30 sec
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 30 sec
Ignore All Resistance +15% for 30 sec
Super Armor during the skill

- Succession skill hits apply 120 poison, burn, bleeding damage every 3 sec for 9 sec while the buff is in effect.


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