ID: 9029/3
[Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
KR name: [I의 초대장] 불쾌한 아침
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Main Story
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Invitation from I] Ahon Beckons
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Invitation from I] Magic Nullification Phenomenon
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Invitation from I] Somebody's Staring

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
Black Spirit

- Description:
Speak with the villagers who've experienced the Magic Nullification Phenomenon.

Hehe. Magic Nullification?!
Sounds like a pretty serious problem, right?
No surprise they didn't come to an outsider like you until now.
But I wonder if they truly trust you, even if you are the "Hero of Mediah".
Anyway, there must be a reason
why this phenomenon is happening.
Why don't we start by speaking to the villagers?
They might give us some clues.

Let's speak to the first bunch of villagers to lose their magic.
Find out what exactly happened.

Hey, partner. How'd you feel
if you lost all of your powers?
Hehe... Don't worry, I wouldn't leave you
if you did. We're partners for life, aren't we?

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Listen to the man who's lost his magic
- Listen to the woman who's lost her magic
- Listen to the child who's lost her magic
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Instructor
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
    Meet NPC: Instructor
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
  2. Meet NPC: Instructor
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
    Meet NPC: Instructor
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
  3. Meet NPC: Apprentice Sorcerer
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning
    Meet NPC: Apprentice Sorcerer
    Accepted quest [Invitation from I] Unpleasant Morning

- Contribution EXP (150)

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