ID: 9006/3
Truth in the Illusion
KR name: 환상 속의 진실
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Crow Merchants' Records, Book 12, Chapter 3
A journal containing the concise records of Alustin in Velia during his journey to become an alchemist.
Reach Lv. 55, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Crow Merchants' Records from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Living as an Otter
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Abyssal Pearl Fishism
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Amidst the Countercurrent

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
Otter Island - Day 11

After partaking in the sacred ritual, strange visions plague my sight, and my stomach churns with unease. Could this be the dreaded curse of the fish god, whispered of in hushed tones?

Darn it! Instead of amassing great billions, am I to forfeit my very life? No, I shall not succumb to despair. Rumors speak of a wise Otter residing here. I must seek him out!

Through persistent inquiries, I found the wise Otter. His attire was indistinguishable from the other priests of this land. With practiced ease, he pinched my nose and poured a peculiar elixir into my mouth.

A foul stench and bitter taste swirled within me. Yet, by sheer will, I swallowed it, and to my astonishment, the hallucinations dissipated. As clarity returned, he revealed to me the secret of the ritual.

...Wake-me-not? Was that the secret all along?

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Find out the secret of the suspicious ritual
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Berdao's Plan

- Rainbow Fish Bone Coin

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