ID: 9001/2
Benns Euron and His Companions
KR name: 벤스 유렌와 동료
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Crow Merchants' Records, Book 9, Chapter 2
Tales fetched by the Crow... the Crow Merchants' Records!
Reach Lv. 55, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Crow Merchants' Records from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Benns Carter and His Companions
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Benns Chasey and Her Companions

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
Benns Euron's Mediocre Letter

I care not who the captain brings back. What matters is that none have returned from "that island." Could it be that "the island" holds such great value? The most cacophonous and astounding island in all the realms is so insignificant that none pay it heed, yet...

The island is truly magnificent, akin to the Darkcloud Shapeshifting Dictionary we pilfered from Pavino Greko's storage! A curious name, is it not? But lo, it does exist! Join us, and I shall share with thee the secrets of the shapeshifting dictionary.

I have already unraveled two of its cryptic codes! Now, we can transform into "them"! Who are "they," you ask? Well... that remains a secret for now!

At present, I labor to decipher the third code. I am certain that a noc shard is a key ingredient, yet it avails me not. What manner of processing does it require? Alas, I possess no knowledge of such craft!

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Look for another goal within immediate reach to get stronger.

Completion Target: Black Spirit
- Become friends with Benns Euron in Grándiha
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Benns Euron
    Accepted quest Benns Euron and His Companions
    Have item:
    - Noc Ingot>0
    Meet NPC: Benns Euron
    Accepted quest Benns Euron and His Companions
    Have item:
    - Noc Ingot>0

- Lamute Gang's Benns Coin
Amity (100):
- Benns Euron

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