ID: 8620/7
Haeshin's Resolve
KR name: Haeshin's Resolve
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Sword's Owner
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Song of Swords

Start NPC:
icon - Dalhoon
End NPC:
icon - Dalhoon

- Description:
Dalhoon wants to tell you more about the legend of Haeshin. Listen to Dalhoon.

Hoho, you wish to know more about the black waves?
There's little we know... we only suspect it to be the darkness that tries to wipe out these lands.
Around 50 years ago, even before the waves,
Bonghwang, of Mount Ahshi, sacrificed himself to protect us from a swarm of dark clouds.
I recently met people from across the sea,
who claimed the darkness also attacked their lands around the same time.
The Black Death rotted bodies in a place called Cal... Galbaeon?
And black ghost-like beings haunted a place called Ka... Kamasil?
Anyway, Bonghwang repelled the darkness back then,
and when it returned in the form of waves 10 years ago, the legendary Haeshin kept it at bay.

Anyway, Bonghwang repelled the darkness back then,
and when it returned in the form of waves 10 years ago, the legendary Haeshin kept it at bay.

I believe Haeshin is expecting you
to keep these lands safe from the darkness.
I will send the sword back to Byukgye and keep it safe.
Please stop by during our next Haeshin ceremony.

Completion Target: Dalhoon
- Listen to the legend of Haeshin
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Dalhoon
    Accepted quest Haeshin's Resolve
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: showVideo(MorningLand/MorningLand_Sub_07,1)
    Meet NPC: Dalhoon
    Accepted quest Haeshin's Resolve
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: showVideo(MorningLand/MorningLand_Sub_07,1)

- Contribution EXP (800)
- Sangpyeong Coin
- Haeshin
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - The Song of Swords

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