ID: 8531/18
[Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
icon Quest
Region: Land of the Morning Light
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Bihyung] The Vanishing Wife
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Bihyung] Strong Body is the Best Defense
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Bihyung] Brewing the Decoction

Start NPC:
icon - Healer
End NPC:
icon - Healer

- Description:
The healer says they are short on ingredients for the decoction and asks you to gather the materials. Collect the ingredients the healer mentioned.

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8531_18_2_SocialMan){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8531_3_Socialman)Well, the thing is, I recently sent some cured foods to the Choi family,
and now I'm all out of ingredients.
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8531_18_3_SocialMan)I'll handle the preparation of the herbal decoction,
so would you gather the herbs for me? Can you handle that?
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8531_18_4_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8531_7_Dolshe)Heck, no two ways about it! Our traveler here is the BEST
dang herb picker this side of the sun and moon!

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8531_18_4_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8531_7_Dolshe)Heck, no two ways about it! Our traveler here is the BEST
dang herb picker this side of the sun and moon!

{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_8531_18_6_Dolsha){ChangeScene(MornPT2_Main_8531_7_Dolshe)Well, I'll be! You sure got back in a jiffy!
I was just fixin' to brew up that remedy!

Completion Target: Healer
- Dig up Ginseng
- Dig up Rehmannia
- Find White Poria
- Find White Beeswax
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Ginseng
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
    Meet NPC: Ginseng
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
  2. Meet NPC: Raw Rehmannia
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
    Meet NPC: Raw Rehmannia
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
  3. Meet NPC: White Poria
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
    Meet NPC: White Poria
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
  4. Meet NPC: White Beeswax
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
    Meet NPC: White Beeswax
    Accepted quest [Bihyung] Ingredients for the Decoction
Quest requirements
Required to open quests

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