ID: 8004/71
[O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
KR name: [오딜리타] 진실의 계율 앞에서
icon Quest
Region: O'dyllita
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [O'dyllita] The Queen's Past
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [O'dyllita] Vedir
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth

icon - [O'dyllita] The Queen's Past
icon - [O'dyllita] A Dangerous Dispatch
icon - [O'dyllita] Whatever it Takes
icon - [O'dyllita] At the End of Total Control
icon - [O'dyllita] The First Document
icon - [O'dyllita] Twisted Knowledge of the Goddess
icon - [O'dyllita] A Sad Reminiscence
icon - [O'dyllita] Decline and Birth
icon - [O'dyllita] Ahib Follower
icon - [O'dyllita] The White Angel
icon - [O'dyllita] Tree Skin Curse
icon - [O'dyllita] Celphie's Laboratory
icon - [O'dyllita] About the Dawn
icon - [O'dyllita] Truth About the Hostage
icon - [O'dyllita] The First Barbarian
icon - [O'dyllita] Olun's Heart
icon - [O'dyllita] Delmira's Recipe Scroll
icon - [O'dyllita] How Delotia was Created
icon - [O'dyllita] Ahib's Human
icon - [O'dyllita] Worst Manual Labor Ever
icon - [O'dyllita] Ill-fated Relationship
icon - [O'dyllita] Flattery and Survival
icon - [O'dyllita] Incomplete Victory
icon - [O'dyllita] Hunters' Worth
icon - [O'dyllita] The Treasure of the Valley
icon - [O'dyllita] The Moth Attracted to Light
icon - [O'dyllita] May the Moonlight Guide You
icon - [O'dyllita] Olun's Silence, the Warder of Anguish
icon - [O'dyllita] Unwelcome Guest
icon - [O'dyllita] Stained Future
icon - [O'dyllita] The Kidnapped Dwarf
icon - [O'dyllita] We Meet Again, Wanderer
icon - [O'dyllita] Cup of Oblivion
icon - [O'dyllita] Secret Map of Bahit
icon - [O'dyllita] Guide of Light
icon - [O'dyllita] Skin of the Snake
icon - [O'dyllita] Priest of the Goddess
icon - [O'dyllita] Ibedor
icon - [O'dyllita] Raz'nal, the Burning One
icon - [O'dyllita] Hidden Commandments of Truth
icon - [Crossroad] There's nothing sweeter than priceless knowledge!
icon - [Crossroad] Remain faithful to my Secret Guard!
icon - [O'dyllita] The Watch's Letter
icon - [O'dyllita] Breath of Narcion
icon - [O'dyllita] Corrupted Prophecy of Tunta
icon - [O'dyllita] La O'delle the Einel
icon - [O'dyllita] Audrite Sibyl
icon - [O'dyllita] Turo Resistance
icon - [O'dyllita] Manipulated Alliance
icon - [O'dyllita] Sephir's Warning
icon - [O'dyllita] Tunta's Seed
icon - [O'dyllita] Queen's Spy
icon - [O'dyllita] Exposure
icon - [O'dyllita] Arienne's Ouk Pill - Greed
icon - [O'dyllita] Arienne's Ouk Pill - Addiction
icon - [O'dyllita] Arienne's Ouk Pill - Curse
icon - [O'dyllita] Song of Phantoms
icon - [O'dyllita] Two Young Phantoms
icon - [O'dyllita] Path of the Spirits
icon - [O'dyllita] Water Lily
icon - [O'dyllita] The Souls
icon - [O'dyllita] Hadum's Traces
icon - [O'dyllita] Song of Tunta
icon - [O'dyllita] Ulutuka, the Chief of Turos
icon - [O'dyllita] A Sworn Enemy
icon - [O'dyllita] False Revelation
icon - [O'dyllita] Thornwood Castle
icon - [O'dyllita] Sephir Odore
icon - [O'dyllita] Wanderer's Duty
icon - [O'dyllita] Vedir
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
icon - [O'dyllita] The Eternal Friendship of the Sun and Moon
icon - [O'dyllita] The Last Branch
icon - [O'dyllita] Abyss of Turasil
icon - [O'dyllita] Gem of Imbalance
icon - [O'dyllita] Hadum's Realm

Start NPC:
icon - Viorencia Odore
End NPC:
icon - Brolina Ornette

- Description:
Viorencia Odore says that she is aware of that Song of Tunta was played, telling you that the time has come for her to tell you the truth. Let's read the faded exchange journal and return to Viorencia Odore.

{ChangeScene(Odyllita_main2_75)This book, Commandments of Truth is the very first doctrine
among the eleven doctrines in total in O'dyllita.
The Ancient Kingdom of Orzeca, that enjoyed its golden age for a thousand years,
they served Kzarka, known as the god that grants wishes.

Being able to make wishes is regarded as a big privilege in Orzeca. Naturally,
more and more corrupted officials started to sell the rights to people for money.
The merciful god, Kzarka, on the other hand, didn't ask for a price for granting wishes.
That's how the kingdom went through a total self-destruction from countless wishes granted.
Blind for power, they came to forget their initial purpose,
that they served Kzarka only to protect themselves from Hadum.
Quite often, people choose to use light to drive out darkness.
However, small light is no use before the deepest form of darkness.
Greater darkness can easily devour light.
I happened to learn this fact most vividly in Kamasylvia.
{ChangeScene(Odyllita_main2_74)That's why we both pledged to live an untruthful life, in the midst of Yianaros's Field
where Catherine, the purest wild flower the world has ever seen died.
Just to save everyone, survival was the only thing that mattered to us.
We chose to live as clowns who'd gladly dance on the highest rope of the world.
Here, where Orzecans would write the Commandments of Truth
while drowning in tears of regret,
when we two parted, we exchanged journals written with truth.
I trust that you already know how to break the seal?

When we two parted, we exchanged journals written with truth.
I trust that you already know how to break the seal?

Wing of Kamasylvia, at last, the day of reckoning,
in which I have to confess the truth to you, has come.
Please forgive me, for being untruthful to you,
and everyone throughout so many years.
The four years of time I spent in O'dyllita was not so easy,
but the time I spent ever since I returned to Kamasylvia proved to be as equally hard.
For a long time, Amelia has been brainwashing
sisters of Kamasylvia, using her Elite Guards, Einels,
which made it all but impossible for me to save the Ahib
from wrongful accusation even though I took the throne.
Besides... Whether I was a hostage or not, coming from the enemy country,
I was an easy target for the elder. For that, I had to be extra careful.
If I made any slip of tongue, they would lash out at me
that I was brainwashed by the Ahib from being with them for so long.
I had no other choice, so as I swore before this Commandments of Truth,
I chose to instill more and more fear of the Ahib in my sisters.
Eventually that growing fear led to reopening of our doors for help,
which is why you could set your foot in this land.
To my shame, I ended up making a dishonest vow to the spirits,
and pretended to trust the despicable remnants of Amelia's followers.
I did all that only to restore the light of Kamasylve...
More importantly, to keep the promise with Viorencia, my dearest friend...

Completion Target: Brolina Ornette
- Enter the answer of the riddle in the sealed exchange journal in the chat window
- Examine the faded exchange journal
- Read the exchange journal and talk to Viorencia Odore
- Learn about the truth of Brolina's escape
- Meet Brolina
Required actions:
  1. Type the following text in the chat window: 6
  2. Meet NPC: Old Exchange Journal
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
    Meet NPC: Old Exchange Journal
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
  3. Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
    Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
  4. Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
    Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
  5. Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth
    Meet NPC: Viorencia Odore
    Accepted quest [O'dyllita] Before the Commandments of Truth

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Memory Fragment
- Before the Commandments of Truth
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - [O'dyllita] Vedir
Zodiac sign: Hammer
Required to open quests
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cherath 8-11-2020 05:11
La respuesta depende del horóscopo de tu personaje
Gigante: 8
Dragón Negro: 7
Goblin|Martillo|Escudo: 6
Elefante|Carreta|Piedra Selladora: 5
Barco|Camello|Búho Treant|Llave: 4

The answer depends in your character's horoscope
Giant: 8
Black Dragon: 7
Goblin|Hammer|Shield: 6
Elephant|Wagon|Sealing Stone: 5
Boat|Camel|Treant Owl|Key: 4
ChampionJason 5-11-2020 03:43
The answer is "5" not "6"
carnosi 6-11-2020 20:22
Actually its the number of stars in your horoscope. eg.: Black dragon = 7

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