ID: 7539/1
Camp Balacs' Specialty
icon Quest
Region: Eilton
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Our Chef

Start NPC:
icon - Jorge
End NPC:
icon - Jorge

- Description:
Jorge asks you if you know what the specialty is at the camp. Then, he tells you to catch a Sharpbelly from the river. He says he'll tell you why when you return with the fish. Talk to Jorge after catching a Sharpbelly from the river.

Haha! Do you know what's famous
at this camp, Adventurer?
I'll tell you what is!
Go catch a sharpbelly from the river down there.
Huh? Why am I suddenly making you fish?
Just do as I say for now! I'll tell you when you return.

Go catch a sharpbelly from the river down there.

That's good! You came back fast.
Now, this sharpbelly is the specialty of this place.

Completion Target: Jorge
- Catch a sharpbelly via Fishing
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Sharpbelly (1)

- Contribution EXP (300)
Amity (10):
- Jorge
- Oxiterr Crystal
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 56+
Required to open quests

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