ID: 7207/3
Fire Control: Roast Marmot
KR name: 절대 온도, 마못 통구이
icon Quest
Region: Drieghan
Category: Life
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - A Chef with Dragon Hands
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Depth of Flavor: Ghormeh Sabzi
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Food that Unites the Region

Start NPC:
icon - Maopan
End NPC:
icon - Maopan

- Description:
Maopan said having good control over a cooking fire is important and suggested that you to try making Roast Marmot.

※ Recipe for Roast Marmot
Marmot Meat x5 + Hot Pepper x3 + Salt x2 + Red Sauce x1 + Cooking Wine x3

You should've already experienced this when you were cooking Ghormeh Sabzi,
but controlling the cooking fire is very important in cooking.
Drieghan, including Duvencrune, was once a place of scarcity.
The scarceness of food stunted our food culture.
We used to roast entire animals instead of properly butchering them at the beginning
because we barely knew how to handle butchery back then.
From all those experiences of roasting large amounts of meat at once, we have perfected the art of roasting meat.
Our knowledge on how to control the cooking fire
elevated our barbecue cuisine as a whole to the next level.
The main ingredient for your next mission is Marmot.
Go and find the right temperature to cook a Roast Marmot to perfection!

Bring me the Roast Marmot!

I can't deny that you are a good cook.
This marmot is cooked perfectly.

Completion Target: Maopan
- Make Roast Marmot
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Roast Marmot (5)

- Contribution EXP (400)
- Advanced Cooking Utensil
- Cooking EXP
Amity (20):
- Maopan
Quest requirements
Level: 56+
Cooking > Skilled 10
Finished quest: icon - Depth of Flavor: Ghormeh Sabzi
Required to open quests

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