ID: 6506/1
Surge of Ash Fog
KR name: 몰려오는 잿빛의 안개
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Dimmed Light

Start NPC:
icon - Mignor
End NPC:
icon - Acher Scout Lead

- Description:
Priestess Mignor at Acher Guard Post says the Guard Tower nearby is quickly losing power due to the white powder coming from the Ash Forest. Take the Lapis Lazuli from Mignor and go to the Guard Tower north of the Acher Guard Post.

What in the world are scouts doing?
Oh I was looking for your help, Adventurer.
Did you hear news about the Ash Forest in the north?
A mysterious white powder is destroying the forest.
That's why the Fadus and Spirits
are having such a hard time.
But we don't have a fundamental solution yet,
so we are using the power from the Guard Tower.
But that power is getting exhausted.
That proves how strong the white powders are.
In fact, the scouts are supposed to check up on the Guard Tower regularly,
but it already has been a long time
since the scouts have left for the task.
I'm worried about the scouts, but the Guard Tower comes first.
We need your help.
Bring these Lapis Lazuli around the Guard Tower.
It would bring up more energy to the Guard Tower.
Time is running out. Please hurry.

Putting Lapis Lazuli in the Guard Tower is a only temporary solution.
No one knows how long it can hold up.

Ah, you came here on Mignor's request.
As you can see, I've discovered a trace of disappeared Musical Spirit while I was patrolling.
I was investigating on it.
I thank you on behalf of the scout unit.

Completion Target: Acher Scout Lead
- Put Lapis Lazuli in Guardian Tower Covered in Ash
- Put Lapis Lazuli in Guardian Tower with Faint Aura
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Guardian Tower Covered in Ash
  2. Meet NPC: Guardian Tower with Faint Aura

- Contribution EXP (350)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 55+
Required to open quests
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mutsienl 15-03-2022 15:17
Just interact with the top and bottom Guardian tower (see map), the MIDDLE tower does NOT work! No need to have something in your inventory, just R it.
Wildcard 20-02-2023 05:38
fucking stupid quest it literally tells you to "Take this item" from NPC to Towers and theres no item to fucking take

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