ID: 5800/19
Study on Desert Ingredients #2
KR name: 사막의 식재료 연구 #2
icon Quest
Region: Valencia
Category: Life
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Typical Grains in Valencia
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Study on Desert Ingredients #1
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Must-haves in Cooking

Start NPC:
icon - Nasrin
End NPC:
icon - Nasrin

- Description:
Nasrin from Ibellab Oasis needs some ingredients for her new recipe. Collect some Dalvenia Alrea at the canyon north of the oasis and bring them to Nasrin.

Beautiful flowers bloom even in this barren desert.
Such as Dalvenia Alrea. That's a big name, huh?
It's an ingredient for one of my new recipes, but it's hard to find one.
You look like a skilled gatherer.
Can you get me some Dalvenia Alrea?
It is found in the canyon in the north.

A beautiful flower bloomed in a barren environment...
Isn't that just like me? Ho ho ho ho... Just kidding.

Thanks! The flower that's gonna add the final scent on my food
has finally arrived. Today I'm gonna finish it, for real!

Completion Target: Nasrin
- Gather Dalvenia Alrea
- Give the Dalvenia Alrea to Nasrin
Required actions:
  1. Obtain item:
    - Dalvenia Alrea (2)
  2. Give item:
    - Dalvenia Alrea (2)

- Contribution EXP (400)
Amity (250):
- Nasrin
Quest requirements
Gathering > Skilled 4
Required to open quests

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Added by Finck (12-06-2017)
Added by Shavi (2-12-2023)
Added by Yinn (27-04-2018)