ID: 5655/5
The Seed of Ruin
KR name: 파멸의 씨앗
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - An Ominous Sign
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Prayer of Purification
Next quest in the chain:
icon - The Seed of Ruin

Start NPC:
icon - Saya Nesser
End NPC:
icon - Saya Nesser

- Description:
Saya claims that the key that was recovered will lead Valencia and the royal family to ruin so it needs to be dispose of. Accept Saya's request and receive the key.

I have a request for you...
It is for the royal family, for Valencia.
Do you remember the key that you recovered for us?
That key is the symbol of the royal family of Valencia.
Holding it gives legitimacy to the King.
However...that key will lead the royal family and all of Valencia to ruin.
The key must be disposed of before my brothers raise their swords against each other!
The safety of my brothers is more important to me than the legitimacy of the royal family.
Will you take care of this momentous task for me?

For me to ask you, who is not even one of our royal family, to take care of such a momentous task...It troubles my heart.

Valencia and Aal shall remember your sacrifice.

Completion Target: Saya Nesser
- Accept Saya Nesser's request
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Saya Nesser

- Contribution EXP (70)
- Golden Ruins Key
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Prayer of Purification
Finished quest: icon - [Valencia] [Crossroad] Saya's Interest
Not accepted quest: icon - The Seed of Ruin
Not finished quest: icon - The Seed of Ruin
Required to open quests
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Vellocet 18-11-2018 17:36
The box for completing the quest is here: Uuh3pAG
Go behind the king and throne.

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