ID: 5000/9
[Valencia] Quest from the Prince
KR name: [발렌시아] 왕자의 의뢰
icon Quest
Group: Trade Guild and the Missing Goods
Region: Valencia
Category: Main Story
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Valencia] Trade Items for Valencia
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Valencia] [Co-op] The Head of Harnan League
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Valencia] Report to Barhan Gateway

Start NPC:
icon - Kidnapped Merchant Guild Leader
End NPC:
icon - Tarek Yanzi

- Description:
The kidnapped procession leader says the goods they were carrying was for Prince Barhan, therefore he needs to be notified. Move to Rock Post and report to Tarek Yanzi.

I see Aal right in front of my eyes...
I guess this is it for me.
I've been building the merchant guild,
taking requests as seriously as my own life... and this is it.
The goods were requested by Prince Barhan.
We were moving toward Barhan Gateway with the goods he requested...
And there was a sneak attack.
A Basilisk... and there was another group of something, too...
Never seen them before.
I'm sure they stole Prince Barhan's stuff.
Please tell Prince Barhan.

A Basilisk... and there was another group of something too...
Never seen them before.

Harnan League is done.
What a pity.
And they were doing
Prince Barhan's job.
I've never heard a thing about that...
Looks like it's getting serious.

Completion Target: Tarek Yanzi
- Go back to Rock Post and Report
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Tarek Yanzi

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Gold Bar 10G
- Fluffy Milk Bread
Amity (20):
- Tarek Yanzi
- EXP (100)
- Footsteps of Wind

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