Quest Region: All Category: Recurring Quests Type: Family quest Level: 1 Repeat: 1d | |
First quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Bolero's Secret Mission Previous quest in the chain: - [Daily] Safety Guard at the Race Grounds Next quest in the chain: - [Repeat] Suna Lise's Reward Show/hide full quest chain - [Repeat] Bolero's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Waltz's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Serenade's Secret Mission - [Repeat] Today's Last Secret Mission - [Daily] For a Beloved Sweltering Horse - [Daily] Better Safe Than Sorry - [Daily] The Ranch's Precious Asset - [Daily] How to Get the Best Milk - [Daily] Safety Guard at the Race Grounds - [Daily] Quenching Thirst Before the Match - [Repeat] Suna Lise's Reward | |
Start NPC: - Wapra End NPC: - Wapra | |
- Description: Wapra said it's important to quench riders' thirst so they can run a great race and asked you to make Fruit Juice. ※ Fruit Juice ingredients: 3 Sugar + 4 Apples + 5 Mineral Water + 1 Salt ※ You can accept this quest once a day. | |
Show/hide full quest's text There's a lot of dust kicked up during a horse race. Because of that, r-riders on horses need to fight against the dust. It's good to start a race after drinking some liquid, because it's extremely d-dry. I usually give them fruit j-juice... but we're out of stock. There was some kind of trouble w-with the guy who originally supplied it. I need to get it before the race today. Can you g-get me some juice? You can make it with Fruit, Sugar, Salt and Mineral Water. If you have a C-Cooking Utensil, it won't be that difficult. If I put in s-some ice in it, it's good to go. Hahaha. It's time to e-earn some money! | |
Quest complete conditions | |
Basic Select - Dried Mudskipper - Dried Saurel - Dried Striped Catfish - Dried Squid |