ID: 3736/11
[Barter] [Daily] At World's End II - Hakoven Island
KR name: [Barter] [Daily] At World's End II - Hakoven Island
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Barter] [Daily] Supplies Delivery (Iliya Island)
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Barter] [Daily] At World's End I - Ancado Inner Harbor

Start NPC:
icon - Priko
End NPC:
icon - Roshina

- Description:
Priko, barterer of Iliya Island, spoke of Hakoven Island, a place located near the world's end. She requests you journey forth and seek out the barterer who resides there and deliver precious goods entrusted to you.

※ This is a daily quest that resets every midnight (server time).

Adventurer! Do you not wonder what lies at the world's end? Pu...
At the very edge of the world, there exists a place called Hakoven Island. Pu...
The ties of bartering must never be severed, no matter how distant the lands! Pu...
Even on Hakoven Island, my acquaintance shall be there. Pu...
I would ask you to journey to Hakoven Island in my stead
and deliver the supplies! Pu...

Trade goods required for bartering
must be prepared in advance! Pu...

These are... supplies sent from Iliya Island?!
To have journeyed from afar... I am deeply grateful. Pu...

Completion Target: Roshina
- Deliver supplies to Roshina on Hakoven Island
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Roshina
    Accepted quest [Barter] [Daily] At World's End II - Hakoven Island
    Have item:
    - Priko's Barter Trade Good x 1
    Meet NPC: Roshina
    Accepted quest [Barter] [Daily] At World's End II - Hakoven Island
    Have item:
    - Priko's Barter Trade Good x 1

- Contribution EXP (500)
- Sailing EXP
- Barter EXP
- Crow Coin
- Riddle-Me Barter Support Box
Quest requirements
Sailing > Beginner 1
Have item:
- Priko's Barter Trade Good x <2

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