ID: 3723/67
[Crow Shop] Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon
KR name: [까마귀 상점] 전투/기술 경험치 교환권
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Corsair Exclusive

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Promotion] DUO (II) Crow's Sealed Promotion Scroll
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Pit of the Undying, a Match With Yulho

Start NPC:
icon - Patrigio
End NPC:
icon - Patrigio

- Description:
Patrigio, the owner of Crow's Nest, offers a special chance to receive a special gift if you entertain him in the Pit of the Undying. Collect and hand over Seal of the Undying x6,000 to Patrigio.

※ This quest is limited once per Family.
※ The Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon expires in 90 days, and it will take effect instantly as you receive the quest reward.

I didn't think you'd enter the Pit of the Undying so quickly.
You're quite popular... I've been enjoying my time lately, thanks to you.
And so, I'd like to extend a special one-time offer, just for you.
It may become a long and arduous journey...
Yet at its end, there awaits a gift only I can grant you in this world.
Bring Seal of the Undying x6,000 to me...

At its end, there awaits a gift only I can grant you in this world.
Could you bring Seal of the Undying x6,000 to me?

This gift is my reward for you and your astounding efforts.
I hope to see even more of your spectacular performance.
Please give it your all in the Pit of the Undying.
I'll have another gift prepared, just for you, my child.
※ The Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon expires in 90 days, and it will take effect instantly as you receive the quest reward.

Completion Target: Patrigio
- Hand over Seal of the Undying x6,000 to Patrigio
Required actions:

- Combat/Skill EXP Exchange Coupon
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - [Crow's Nest] Crow's Mercenary
Corsair Exclusive
Not accepted quest: icon - [Crow's Nest] A Nest Without Borders
Not finished quest: icon - [Crow's Nest] A Nest Without Borders
Level: 100+

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