ID: 3708/1
Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log I
KR name: 라비니아의 선박 증축 일지 I
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log II

Start NPC:
icon - Ravinia
End NPC:
icon - Ravinia

- Description:
Ravinia of the Crow Merchant Guild wants you to check up someone who helped upgrade her ship, whom she wrote about in her ship upgrade log. Meet Carpuro at Oquilla's Eye.

I'm surprised you made it here.
This place couldn't have been easy to find.
How did you get here, by boat? What kind of boat?
I have built two whole ships, so I have a lot of experience on shipbuilding.
I also have experience upgrading ships.
I even keep a log of all the people who ever helped me upgrade my ships.
It's been a while since I last saw some of those people though...
I'm curious to know how they are doing.
So, how about it? Don't you want to meet an experienced shipbuilder?
Besides, if you help me I will give you a letter with instructions.
If you follow the instructions, I will give you materials to upgrade your ship!
Let's see, the first person I wrote about in my log is Carpuro!
I heard he's at Oquilla's Eye.

Carpuro has been dispatched from Serendia to Oquilla's Eye.

The journey between Serendia and Oquilla's Eye must have been rough.
Well, I'm glad to hear that Carpuro's doing well.
Here! Go ahead and open letter.
If you follow the instructions on the letter and help me,
I'll give you materials to upgrade your ship!

Completion Target: Ravinia
- Meet Carpuro at Oquilla's Eye
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Carpuro

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log I
- Ravinia's Wiggly-Waggly Letter
Quest requirements
Don't have knowledge on Ravinia's Ship Upgrade Log I
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Talosurom 6-10-2022 07:22
Son 7 misiones en total, una vez por familia. Para acceder a ellas debes seguir la quest principal de navegacion que empieza en Velia hasta el punto en que te mandan a buscar el Nido de Cuervos. Ahí es cuando empiezan las 7 quest, una por día.

A mí, dos de esas 7 misiones me dieron en total la mitad de todos los materiales y piedras verdes necesarios para mejorar el Velero Ligero de Epheria a convertirlo en Buque Comercial. El resto de materiales y piedras debes conseguirlos por tu cuenta con trueques diarios en las islas, farmeo de criaturas marinas/barcos fantasma, etc. Las misiones son largas y tediosas pero las recompensas valen mucho la pena. Las misiones que no dan materiales de mejora de barco, dan experiencia de navegación (alrededor de 10-15 por ciento de nivel profesional 7, por ejemplo), y unas misiones te dan pociones para resucitar marineros.
loboram 23-01-2022 14:41
This seems to be a once per account questline, so make sure you use it on the most expensive ship upgrade.
The whole questline is now a Daily reset questline, which means that you can only do one of these quests per day.
This was Extremely important information that needs to be added to the general quest description above please.

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