ID: 3560/1
Sleepless in Florin
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Outlander in the Night

Start NPC:
icon - Zelfinith
End NPC:
icon - Zelfinith

- Description:
Florin's Armor Vendor Zelfinith has spent the past few nights without getting much sleep. Let's hear the details from Zelfinith.

They say good health needs good sleep...
And yet, I can't get even a wink...
Sigh... Hmm?
Oh, hello there, Player!

Not Even a Wink

Exactly! Due to a random side effect, my ears have blown out of proportion,
and now I hear all too well, even the sounds of screams in the middle of the night!
I can't catch a wink of sleep because of all that noise,
and I can physically feel my health deteriorating because of it...
Sigh... I'd run up to the mountains and uncover the source of it all myself,
but, as you can see, I can't leave my shop.
I need to remain here to tend to the armor of adventurers
who pass by the village.

Completion Target: Zelfinith
- Ask Zelfinith about what's going on
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Zelfinith
    Accepted quest Sleepless in Florin
    Meet NPC: Zelfinith
    Accepted quest Sleepless in Florin

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