ID: 3535/4
Bloodthirsty Instinct
KR name: 피를 쫓는 본능
icon Quest
Group: To be the Best Huntsman!
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Sweet Rest
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Between Chance or Fate
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Let's Begin the Hunt

Start NPC:
icon - Verita
End NPC:
icon - Verita

- Description:
A hunter named Verita was in a tough battle against monstrous beasts. Help her slay the Giant Foxes.

*Coughs* I can't concentrate on hunting because of my cold.
Anyway, so you know how to hunt as well?
I've seen numerous hunters come here all proud
and run away like little children.
Okay, I'll tell you where the giant foxes are.
Don't blame me if anything happens, I warned you.
*Coughs violently*

Run away if you feel like you're about to die. *coughs violently*
The smell of blood will lure more of them in.

So you came back after slaying the foxes.
I guess you do know how to hunt.

Completion Target: Verita
- Hunt 10 Giant Foxes
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (10):
    icon - Giant Fox

- Contribution EXP (200)
- Hunting EXP
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Between Chance or Fate
Required to open quests

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