ID: 3085/8
[Music Log #1] The Light which Erased Shadows
KR name: [음악일지#1] 그림자를 지운 빛
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Quest: Content
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Music Log #1] Honor of Calpheon
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Music Log #1] Apple Doesn't Fall Far
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Music Log #1] Beneath the Cup of Glory

Start NPC:
icon - Rubin
End NPC:
icon - Clara Siciliano

- Description:
Rubin the herald believes that Kalius, Master of the Knights of Dawn is a true hero who brought honor to Calpheon. Find the Knights of Dawn Execution Sentence that Kalius received from Encarotia at the bottom of the Calpheon Irrigation System and bring it to Clara.

Say, you wouldn't be doing all this good work just to get your name
added to the Honor of Calpheon, are you? Being in it as Karlstein not enough?
Hah! Just a joke, mate. I'd heard rumors you were investigating
Redro Grolin and Rebrido Falasi of Epheria. Along with the first Karlstein,
they're three of the heroes of Calpheon. Can't blame a smart bloke for puttin'
two and two together. But you haven't even heard the tale of the greatest hero!
You wanna know more, do ya? Well, you didn't hear it from me, but...
they say the master of the Knights of Dawn was framed and executed as a traitor!
How could a traitor be the one who brought honor to Calpheon's name?
What do I look like to you? A library? All information for free?
You're only gettin' this scoop since Karlstein stole back Ahr's Rainbow Flower!
Plus, this kind of information is quite... dangerous, if you catch my meaning.
All I'll say is...there's a rumor that somewhere in the waterways of our fair capital,
The master of the Knights of Dawn hid away his execution sentence, penned by
Encarotia's own hand, to keep his fellow knights from knowing the depths of
Calpheon's betrayal. Clara claims the writ still exists. I believe her.

Rumor has it that, somewhere in the capital city of Calpheon,
the master of Knights of Dawn hid away the execution sentence received from Encarotia.
This was to prevent his fellow knights from learning how Calpheon's parliament betrayed them.
Clara said it was real. It just hasn't been found yet.

Kalius... that's a name only very brave of very foolish men speak aloud,
though many citizens still remember...
They remember when the Monarch of Darkness, Belmorn appeared, a constant threat
looming over the entire continent. Then, Kalius appeared like a ray of light
to pierce the darkness alongside his Knights of Dawn.
The nations all rallied under the Dawn banner and succeeded in vanquishing Belmorn.
Now, with the threat extinguished, the nations each began to covet and fear the power
that the Knights of Dawn possessed - though the knights insisted on their neutrality.
Fearful rumors spread across Calpheon that the knights planned to take over the city.
The master was executed for treason and his knights simply disappeared.
If it weren't for the last great master of the Knights of Dawn, Kalius,
I feel that our records of conquest over Belmorn may have never been written at all.
Regardless of the truth behind the master's intentions,
none can erase the impact of his actions on us all.

Completion Target: Clara Siciliano
- Find the Knights of Dawn Execution Sentence from the Calpheon Irrigation System and bring it to Clara
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Clara Siciliano
    Accepted quest [Music Log #1] The Light which Erased Shadows
    Meet NPC: Clara Siciliano
    Accepted quest [Music Log #1] The Light which Erased Shadows

- Contribution EXP (200)
- Gold Bar 100G
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Required to open quests
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Eywanlya 28-08-2022 15:32
Taucht an den Markierten Orten und Interagiert mit der Kiste.
Dive at the marked locations and interact with the treasure chest.
Jetty 10-06-2023 14:39
Costs 10 energy to open the chest with the sentence.

They are underwater so you need to dive.
I found mine at the far left location.


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