ID: 3061/8
Stay Sharp!
KR name: 정신 똑바로 차려!
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Recurring Quests
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 1d

First quest in the chain:
icon - A Treasure Swimming in the Ocean
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Outlaws of the Ocean

Start NPC:
icon - Dius
End NPC:
icon - Dius

- Description:
Merchant mariners sailing across the Great Ocean are terrified by pirates plundering ships. Find the Goldmont Small Battleship, the threat to merchant ships, destroy it, and go back to Dius.

※ You need vessels such as Epheria Sailboat, Epheria Frigate, or [Guild] Galley that are equipped with Cannons in order to defeat Goldmont Small Battleship.
※ The Great Ocean is the vast sea area north of Kuit Islands and Lema Island.
※ You cannot use Navigation function upon the Great Ocean area. Your location in the World Map will be unseen once you enter the Great Ocean.
※ This is a daily quest which will reset at midnight (server time).

Never let your guard down
when sailing the Great Ocean.
On a foggy day, one could sneak up to your starboard
close enough to shake each other's hands and you won't see it coming.
Goldmont Small Battleships are small and fast,
so be extra wary.
I'll reward you handsomely
if you deal with these pesky scoundrels.

Be on guard at all times.
Consider any other ship you meet out there hostile.
It will be too late
when their canons knock a few holes in your hull.

You never cease to amaze me.
I'll have more work and rewards prepared for you soon.

Completion Target: Dius
- Destroy the Goldmont Small Battleship of the Great Ocean
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (3):


    - Goldmont Small Battleship

- Contribution EXP (300)
- Sailing Skill EXP
- Breezy Crystal
Quest requirements
Sailing > Beginner 2

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