ID: 3006/4
Khurutos Getting Drunk
KR name: 취해가는 쿠루토족
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: Life
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Discover the Khurutos' Weakness
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - The Weakness of the Khuruto

Start NPC:
icon - Soldier
End NPC:
icon - Soldier

- Description:
One soldier at Delphe Outpost asks you to put Sunrise Herb into a large Khuruto pot to weaken the Khurutos' strength before a broad attack.

Either burning or boiling Sunrise Herb
gets the Khurutos drunk..
I see Elion is warmly smiling?
Elgriffin must be thrilled to hear this, too.
Not only can we use this in a battle,
but we can use it as our main tactic to throw our enemy into disarray.
If we secretly put Sunrise Herb into a Large Khuruto Pot,
we may be able to incapacitate their entire front line area!

Put Sunrise Herb
into the large pot on the enemy's front line.

Good job.
Soon, during the middle of the night! We will launch an attack!

Completion Target: Soldier
- Put Sunrise Herb into the Large Khuruto Pot
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Large Khuruto Cauldron

- Contribution EXP (200)
- Beer
- Grain Soup
- Fried Fish
- Meat Stew
Quest requirements
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Anonymous 30-04-2016 02:21
The chain quests for this one are in Delphe Post. One of them is to find Sunrise Herb.
Anonymous 9-06-2016 03:10
Do the quest to gather sunrise herb, next quest will be to place it in the fire behind the npc. After completing these two quests the "khurutos getting drunk" quest will unlock.
Anonymous 1-05-2016 14:59
I didn't see any quest to get this. I solved it by getting quest from npc name Clarkster
Anonymous 25-09-2016 02:44
In fact it's a combination. For harpies and Khurutos. Through Clarkster node maanager Old Dandelion (not the Karanda ridge one) And quest given by the soldier in front of the Khuruto captives in Delphe outpost.
Anonymous 20-01-2017 17:31
If Clarkster doesnt have any quest for you, you have to complete ALL the Delphe knights quests in the castle. Once I did that, Clakster had quests and once I finished those 4, the Drunk ones popped up.
Anonymous 29-08-2016 11:07
To get it you have to end this Quest before :
Wild gewordene Harpyien
Anonymous 22-10-2016 16:47
Some other importent information:
The Questline at Delphe Knights Castle is a trigger to spoken with Clarkster NPC!
Last Quest: Calpheon Arrival Report
Anonymous 10-11-2016 00:44
I can't take this quest for some reason. I can see it in quest list, it sends me to NPC Soldier, but he's not giving me a quest.. I've completed all quests nearby, including quests from Clarkster but no effect. Also, I can't delete this quest from quest list.. Getting message Quest information wasn't found.. Spoke to support team, but they useless, they said there should be something i need to do before... But I've checked every single NPC that might be involved in chain or side quests, but still no luck..

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