ID: 3004/5
Knowing the Enemy and Myself
KR name: Knowing the Enemy and Myself
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Harpy Expert Wisdom
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Harpies Gone Wild

Start NPC:
icon - Clarkster
End NPC:
icon - Clarkster

- Description:
Clarkster said it is better to know first what happens when wounded by the Boss before exterminating the Harpy Boss. Look at corpses left by the Harpy Boss.

We'd better kill the Harpy Boss soon.
But she is way too strong to confront blindly.
First we need to discover how powerful her attack is.
We learned just in time that the nest is empty.
Go to the Boss's nest and examine the feed she left out.
You'd better hurry before she comes back.

Did you ask where the Boss's nest is? I marked it on my map, so look and follow.

She's not as easy an opponent as I expected.
Soon it will be time to kill her.

Completion Target: Clarkster
- Investigate the Feed the Harpies left out
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Dead Cow

- Contribution EXP (80)
- Skill EXP (988'141)
- EXP (350'000)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+
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Anonymous 1-04-2016 11:10
A cow corpse is located near the path to the nest, not in the area around the nest.
Anonymous 28-03-2016 19:26
Das Questziel ist hier eine tote Kuh. Diese findet sich am rechten Wegesrand, wenn man der Questmarkierung folgt. Kurz vor dem "Gipfel".

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