ID: 3003/2
Injured Explorer
KR name: Injured Explorer
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Delphe Knights Outpost
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Looking for Orwen

Start NPC:
icon - Elgriffin
End NPC:
icon - Edan

- Description:
Elgriffin recently heard from the search party that they had seen an Injured Explorer near the Karanda Ridge. He is assumed to be Edan, so meet him in person.

A while ago, my soldiers searching Karanda Ridge
told me about an adventurer.
A young man seemed to be injured,
but he hurriedly disappeared with a Shai.
Not only that, but he went into the deep ridge, you know, the Harpies' base.
You don't know them, right?
Or are you in with them, too?
If you find these suspicious guys, we'll reward you.
They must have gone deep into the ridge.

Are you asking me who the adventurer is?
I just told you he disappeared in a hurry.

There is a wise solution for every situation.
You should bear the pain of the process.

Completion Target: Edan
- Find injured Edan near the Karanda Ridge
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Edan
    Accepted quest Injured Explorer
    NEW_NPC_CONDITION: showCutScene(CS_Calpheon_01_CarandaRidge_0001.pas)

- Contribution EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+
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Anonymous 9-06-2017 16:06
You have to be lvl 50 to get this quest from Elgreif

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