ID: 21603/28
The Owner of the Dagger
KR name: 단검의 주인
icon Quest
Region: Kamasylvia
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Transporting Mushrooms
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Another Journal
Next quest in the chain:
icon - The Dark Shadow of Grána

Start NPC:
icon - Another Journal
End NPC:
icon - Ophelia Einel

- Description:
What you found was not Catherine's journal, and somehow you ended up meeting Ophelia. Talk to her and hand over the dagger.

Although similar in appearance,
this is not Catherine's Journal.
What the suspicious people are after is still unknown,
but it's a relief that this is not the real journal.
As you stood up, you felt someone's presence behind you.

You're, Player?
You were still in Kamasylvia...?

You found the journal
that the document of the suspicious people described.

You were still in Kamasylvia.
And you're now walking around our land as if it's your own house.
What have you been doing here?

A document found in some suspicious people's bag...
And you're saying this place is where the document is pointing.
But still, I cannot take your word for it.
I don't think anyone would have ordered you to do such a mission.
How did you get involved in this?
What? A dagger?
This is what I lost today earlier...
But how is this in your hands?!
This... is a dagger that the former Queen, Amelia Ornette,
bestowed upon me in person.
Sigh... Maybe I owe you a gratitude.
But of course, I could have simply ordered my subordinates to find the dagger.
So... did you... find any other leads
about those suspicious people?
Oh, I see, there was nothing else you found.
Hmm? I didn't find any clues, either.
I also have no idea
why this unknown journal was here.

Completion Target: Ophelia Einel
- Talk to Ophelia Einel
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Ophelia Einel

- Contribution EXP (200)
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Another Journal
Required to open quests

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