Show/hide full quest's text You've probably seen many Spirits in the northern forests. Originally, there were many more Spirits in Kamasylvia. The power to sustain these lands flows from the Kamasylve Tree, and the foundation of that power comes from the Spirits. But the Kamasylve lost its light when it was lit aflame, and many Spirits either lost their lives or chose to leave due to our sisterly quarrel. I'm sure you've seen a lot of Ganelle commune with Griffons or Ferries as you were traveling our lands. Did you ever wonder how we got along with such savage creatures? It's all thanks to the Spirits who have protected the forests since the very beginning. Oh, the Ferries are usually hungry around this hour. Would you like to commune with them with the meat I just gave you?
Oh, Ferries must be hungry around this time. Would you like to communicate with them with the meat I gave you?
If all the Spirits were to ever disappear, the Ferries would also follow course. Then these lands would be no different from any of the other nations. If we could only restore Kamasylve's Light... Only then would the Spirits return and bring life to the forests once more. |