Show/hide full quest's text You must have noticed by now. Hehe! I told you. The Black Stones contain the power to fulfill your desires! Don't believe me? Red Nose and the Goblin King might say otherwise. Hmmm... who do you think gave them that power anyway?
{AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_59_5_Grusha){ChangeScene(ReBalenos_Main_072)That stone might have been poison given to the aged chief to give up his own life... Ah... $@#!#? $#!#$#!! Hey! He wants you to follow him!
You only see a giant ram skull hanging and not even a glimpse of the king... {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_63_1_Grusha){ChangeScene(ReBalenos_Dialog_074)#%%#@~@...? $@!#!@$!@#!! $@#!@#!@#!! A Human commander's body has become the vessel that hosts our king! {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_63_2_Grusha)But our King still bears the name of... Giath...!! O' mighty king! Please protect us Goblins! Please restore our peace...!! {AudioVoice(NPC_VCE_NEW_21125_63_3_Grusha)That must mean... this stone grave actually contains... It doesn't matter. It's all for the benefit of Goblins! Lend us strength! |