ID: 2019/2
Taking a Written Order
KR name: Taking a Written Order
icon Quest
Group: Bloody Monastery
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - Rescue Mission!
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Rescuing Serendians

Start NPC:
icon - Annalynn
End NPC:
icon - Annalynn

- Description:
The Fake Cultist wants to know what kind of order it was for the Cultists to kidnap villagers. Kill Cultists, Cultist Warriors and Cultist Shamans to get their Orders.

The Cultists don't seem to have egos.
They do anything they're ordered.
Recently, they started kidnapping people.
We need to figure out why.
I think there must be some kind or written order for it.
Can you find it, if possible?

Please find their orders.
It's important.

Thank you so much!
I've gotta check it out.

Completion Target: Annalynn
- Collect Cultist's Orders
- Collect Cultist Warrior's Orders
- Collect Cultist Shaman's Orders
Required actions:
  1. Get 3 quest item(s) from icon - Cultist. Drop chance: 45%
  2. Get 5 quest item(s) from icon - Cultist Warrior. Drop chance: 75%
  3. Get 1 quest item(s) from icon - Cultist Shaman. Drop chance: 60%

- Skill EXP (389'932)
- Contribution EXP (80)
Quest requirements
Level: 100+

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