ID: 11465/5
[Event] Supreme Old Moon Box
KR name: [Event] Supreme Old Moon Box
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Mythical Feather x5
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Advice of Valks (+100)
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Rare Courser Training Box x2

Start NPC:
icon - Valks
End NPC:
icon - Valks

- Description:
Valks mentioned that rising to a challenge holds incredible significance. Hand over the coins that symbolize that daring spirit, and he will prepare the items you seek.

※ This quest is available once per Family.

The very essence of rising to a challenge
holds incredible significance.
Courageously face your obstacles. Quell the rising fears of failure within.
Then, someday, success will be bound to follow.
Hand over the coin that bears that daring spirit to me.
I'll prepare the items you seek.

Hand over the coin that bears that daring spirit to me.
I'll prepare the items you seek.

Here, take these.
May you always hold onto that courageous spirit,
and I hope you achieve everything you set out for.
Never forget that all of Calpheon, including myself, will be cheering you on.

Completion Target: Valks
- Hand over [Event] Inspiring Calpheon Coin x30 to Valks
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Valks
    Accepted quest [Event] Supreme Old Moon Box
    Have item:
    - [Event] Inspiring Calpheon Coin x 30
    Meet NPC: Valks
    Accepted quest [Event] Supreme Old Moon Box
    Have item:
    - [Event] Inspiring Calpheon Coin x 30

- Supreme Old Moon Box
Quest requirements

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