ID: 11247/10
[Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
KR name: [이벤트] 우리만 즐길 수 없다
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Ingredient Thief
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Martina Finto's Pride
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Even Brighter Festival Lights

Start NPC:
icon - Igor Bartali
End NPC:
icon - Igor Bartali

- Description:
Igor Bartali says we should share the food with other people. Let's share the food with the people in Velia.

Welcome. I knew you would come.
Since you're pretty much a part of our town.
Isn't it great?
To have all this food where anyone can come and eat.
We cannot be the only ones that get to enjoy this feast.
Please go and tell the people in Velia of this feast.
Speak on my behalf and tell them of the great news!
I think everyone will come running once they hear of this.

We often see Finto
cooking his heart out in town.

Did everyone say they can make it for dinner?
That's when the festivities will really begin, so that's good news!
Thank you for getting the news out.
This feast will be great for our community.

Completion Target: Igor Bartali
- Go to Tranan Underfoe in Velia and tell him what Igor Bartali said
- Go to Alustin in Velia and tell him what Igor Bartali said
- Go to Croix in Velia and tell him what Igor Bartali said
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Tranan Underfoe
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
    Meet NPC: Tranan Underfoe
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
  2. Meet NPC: Alustin
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
    Meet NPC: Alustin
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
  3. Meet NPC: Croix
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone
    Meet NPC: Croix
    Accepted quest [Event] We Cannot Enjoy This Alone

- Contribution EXP (100)
- Cron Stone
- Memory Fragment
Quest requirements
Time period: 2023/11/22-10:00 - 2023/12/13-10:00
Time period: 2023/12/06-04:00 - 2023/12/27-04:00
Time period: 2024/02/07-04:00 - 2024/02/21-04:00

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