ID: 1043/1
A Desirable Hide
KR name: 회색 여우의 탐나는 모피
icon Quest
Region: Eastern Balenos
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - Useful Plain Stoneback Crab Gallstones

Start NPC:
icon - Andrei
End NPC:
icon - Andrei

- Description:
Andrei thinks the Gray Fox Hide can be a great material.

Do you know that people value Gray Fox Hide as the finest hide?
And that's why I can't leave.
This place is full of those miserable Imps,
so cowards like me can't even think of moving out.
I didn't know that an adventure could be so tough.
So... if you could help me...
Of course, I'm not asking this for free.
I promise I will give you some useful stuff in return.

Not yet?
Don't worry. Every cloud has a silver lining, right?

Oh, this rough yet smooth texture...
I never expected I could touch such a wonderful hide. Thanks!

Completion Target: Andrei
- Get the finest Gray Fox Hide
Required actions:
  1. Get 5 quest item(s) from icon - Gray Fox. Drop chance: 50%

- Skill EXP (118'616)
- Recover 2 Energy
- Gold Bar 1G
- EXP (100)
- HP Potion (Beginner)
- MP Potion (Beginner)
Quest requirements
Only for the characters with even index number in your game account. Index number is NOT a character slot, but a counter of a characters you've created, including deleted ones.
Not accepted quest: icon - Sad Incas
Not finished quest: icon - Sad Incas

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