ID: 21027
Vengeful Darkseeker
Level: 66
HP: 4,538
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 427
Evasion: 417
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 357,964
Skill XP: 161,688
Karma: 80

- Description:
Vengeful Darkseeker
- Description:
The Darkseekers were initially survivors who had endured the long-standing oppression of Mediah. This prolonged tyranny and hardship only served to weaken their spirits. The Three Days of Darkness was both a curse that drove them from Mediah to Ulukita, and a blessing that gave them the strength to endure.

With their hearts filled with curses and resentment towards Mediah, they became the Darkseekers, tightly bound by a solid eternity, disillusionment, and a thirst for vengeance. Rumors of Kzarka's body, a formidable force only the first king of Aksulp dared to challenge, being in Ulukita, fueled their ambition to turn Mediah to nought and restore its former glory.
- Vengeful Darkseeker

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