ID: 21025
Mournful Darkseeker
Level: 66
HP: 4,538
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 427
Evasion: 417
Damage Reduction: 10
XP: 357,964
Skill XP: 161,688
Karma: 80

- Description:
Mournful Darkseeker
- Description:
One's despair became another's immense joy, and the Darkseekers, who pursued darkness over light, reveled in ecstasy. Those who embraced the eternal darkness, a force potent enough to obliterate even the light, as their entire world, were particularly receptive to the power of darkness.

Those who sought only darkness, whether consciously or unconsciously, were revered among their followers for their ecstatic devotion, often assuming the role of a spiritual guide.
- Mournful Darkseeker

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