ID: 9692
Simple Cron Meal
KR name: 간편한 차림의 크론 정식
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
A dish made for Cron Knights-in-training to easily carry and eat.

- Usage: Gain the following effects

- Effects:
Extra AP Against Monsters +30
Combat EXP +20%
Skill EXP +10%
Attack/Casting Speed +2
Movement Speed +3
Critical Hit +2
Max HP +150
Knowledge Gain Chance +10%
Higher Grade Knowledge Gain Chance +5%
Weight Limit +100LT
Down Attack Damage +5%
Damage from Monsters -6%
Heatstroke/Hypothermia Resistance +10%

- Duration: 120 min
- Cooldown: 10 sec

※ Type: High-quality food
※ While this item is in effect the effects of other food items will not be applied, except Health EXP gain.
※ Only the effects of the last high-quality food used will be applied.

- How to Obtain: Processing (L) - Simple Cooking with the following ingredients

- Ingredients #1:
Knight Combat Rations x1
Mediah Meal x3
Valencia Meal x3
Ancient Cron Spice x1

- Ingredients #2:
Special Drieghan Meal x1
Serendia Meal x3
Mediah Meal x3
Ancient Cron Spice x1

※ Higher grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.
Ingredients: Knight Combat Rations x1 + Mediah Meal x3 + Valencia Meal x3 + Ancient Cron Spice x1 OR Special Drieghanese Meal x1 + Serendia Meal x3 + Mediah Meal x3 + Ancient Cron Spice x1
※ Higher grade versions of the same food item can be used as a substitute at a 1:3 ratio.

A dish made for Cron Knights of the past to easily carry and eat.
Crafted using Simple Cooking.
Usage effect:
Simple Cron Meal
Health: EXP+150
- Simple Cron Meal

In-game market price:
NA: 336,000 In Stock: 13821
EU: 362,000 In Stock: 33278
NA Console: 810,000 In Stock: 7246
EU Console: 560,000 In Stock: 355

Buy price: 501,250coin
Sell price: 20,050
Repair price: -
Sort by: Rating Date
Hangovers 6-04-2018 23:28
Recipe is wrong, you only need 1x Knight combat rations

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